you can use the navigation bar to explore each page or click on the door to the right to return to the landing page!

i'll try to update this website when possible but if i forget feel free to yell at me like "HEY!!!! YOUR PAGE IS OUTDATED!!!"
ok maybe don't yell at me or i'll cry but a gentle reminder is good!

my main accounts are sfw (except for jokes)! if you want my nsfw account, you can message me as long as you're 18+ !

i used to be very cold and mean when i was younger so now i do my best to be nice n sweet to everyone! i try to be positive whenever i can, and i prefer to focus on what i like instead of what makes me angry. this is a happy, low-negativity zone!

i'm a very big believer in curating my internet experience. i stay away from discourse because i'd rather be soft and kind online than somebody who gets into fights a lot! this can be a little hard sometimes because i have a Lot of opinions, but i'm trying!!